Busy Being

Busy Being
One with the Ocean

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Being vs. Doing

An interesting read...but I am still searching for the words. Perhaps there are no words...

What Being Vs Doing Really Means
* By Angie Dixon
* Published 12/16/2004
* Personal Growth

So often we hear about “being” rather than “doing.” Often it’s given as advice when we are overwhelmed, overworked and overstressed. “You should just ‘be.’ You’re doing too much.” Well, yes, obviously, but what does that MEAN? How do we just be?

I happen to think the people saying this don’t even really know what it means and are just giving it as a platitude, trying to help, but it doesn’t help if you don’t know how to implement it.

Here are some ways in which being is different from doing.

Hearing vs. Listening

If I really “hear” you, I understand what you’re saying and, more importantly, what you’re not saying. I grasp the full import of your words and silences. I’m not just listening with one ear. I’m really getting you.

Learning vs. Studying

I can study all day long, but if at the end of the day all I really know is what’s going to be on the test, it doesn’t do me much good. Learning is about absorbing what’s being taught. Once I’ve learned something, I don’t need to study it the next time.

Coming to Believe vs. Deciding

Decisions can be arrived at two ways—by coming to believe this is the right course, or by “deciding” this is the right course. You’ve heard the term “executive decision.” Often that means I’ve just decided something without reference to any outside sources or even to what I really think. By coming to believe something, I’ve made an authentic, informed decision.

Realizing vs. Jumping to Conclusions

It’s easy to “jump to conclusions” and just know something is true. Really knowing it’s true, from a centered, authentic place in your heart and not just in your head, is more difficult. It’s also the best way to reach the truth.

Being Effective vs. Being Efficient

Being effective means getting the right things done in the right way. Being efficient means getting the most things done in the least time. Obviously there is some advantage to getting things done in less time, but it’s absolutely crucial that this should be done in the most EFFECTIVE way.

As you can see, Being vs. Doing is actually about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. Initially it might sound like just sitting around, but it’s a very active process.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Quotes from "The International"

"Sometimes a man can meet his destiny on the road he took to avoid it."

"Sometimes the hardest thing in life is knowing which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn"

Wow, huh?!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What will you give today?

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

~ Winston Churchill

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The First Boston Yoga and Chant Fest

Anyone interested...let me know, I am thinking of participating.

Circles of Wisdom is a sponsor of this event put on by Shunyam Productions.


Tickets are $60 for this 12-hour event (in-store pickup).
If tickets are to be mailed, an additional $1 will be charged to cover the cost of mailing.
Ask about a discount for groups of 4 or more.
The vision of Shunyam Productions is to create a strong and caring yoga and chant community in New England and to open the mind and heart to the Infinite in each and everyone.

On a full moon night, wouldn't you love to spend 12 hours with non-stop:


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Hummingbird vs. the Bumblebees

I am new at the bird feeding thing and have decided to focus on the totality of the effort. There is a lot more to it than putting feed out, as I am learning. With The North American Bird Book and binoculars handy, I have been spending more time on the sun porch noticing the different birds visiting. In between visits, however, I have been feeling as though I should be keeping busy, I should be doing something else on my “to-do” list. You know the trap…do, do, do…

Being the geek that I am, I have been studying the habits of birds likely to visit. One that struck me was the hummingbird, although I didn’t buy a feeder specifically for them, so I wasn’t expecting a visit-- let alone a display of dominance. The description for hummingbird was that they have been known to fight bees for nectar from a flower. OMG, No way, Really?! Being allergic to bees, I can’t imagine anything breathing not running in terror at the sight of one.

I was noticing a bunch of huge bumble bees in a large shrub, which is now flowering with enormous cascading white clusters and is just on the other side of the screen door…merely a foot away from where I am standing. I was not a believer of this hummingbird behavioral information… until now. I saw it happen. There it was…a hummingbird staking claim amongst all those bees.

Awe struck and mesmerized, I lost track of time…what was minutes felt like hours. I caught myself “being.”

Quick Tipwhat not to do… (Seasoned bird feeders please skip this part, unless you need a laugh)

Ok, in effort to help control the squirrels, which I am sure you guessed I had done much research, the swarm of up to 4 squirrels clearly didn’t get my memo to stay away from the feeders. Anyway, I smeared Vaseline on the post and on the “T” top… thinking…I got you now, you little rodents. Much like the way the wicked witch spoke to Dorothy and Toto in the Wizard of Oz.

Well… Vaseline melts in the sun and the poor cardinal that went skidding off the “T” hasn’t accepted my apology. Rest assured, I removed the evidence of the novice attempt to outsmart the cousins of the rat.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Doc River's message to the Celtics pregame...

"The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war."

Sweat in peace Celts!!!

Instant Energy Booster # 16

My favorite Magazine arrived (Real Simple) and as usual, I sat down and read it cover to cover immediately.

This month, a featured article...25 Instant ENERGY Boosters

I thought it important to share their # 16 >>> PULL YOUR HAIR.

Yup, not a mistype.

"If you gently take handsful of hair and pull the skin away from your scalp to get blood flowing to that part of the head, you can relieve a lot of potentially tiring tension," says Marlene Merritt, a doctor of Oriental medicine at the Merritt Wellness Center in Auntin, Texas.

Think I'll go pull my hair now...